March 31, 2012

batik on cardboard furniture

made for a collective exhibition to be held in Grenoble over Easter weekend

batik (and a little bit of blue dry pastel on the background) on a cardboard bedside table.

several challenges to this :
- the base is cardboard beige
- the glue and paper tapes used to assemble the bedside table react differently to the dyes
- its paper! it tends to ondulate with the wet dyes
- working in 3D means you see one face at a time, so not the 'entire picture'
- I coudn't get pale colours, or even pale variations of colour, the dye had to be pretty intense for it to actually colour the cardboard
- when I ironed the wax (with paper towels on top) most of the wax was soaked up by the cardboard, making the colours even darker; which is why I added in bits of blue texture into the background with dry pastels.

To protect it all at the end, it's been sprayed with fixative for the dry pastels, and then varnished.

you can see the 23 artists' transformations presented at the exhibition here :

March 25, 2012

up next!

batiking on cardboard furniture.. a whole new ballgame.. hope it turns out well!

March 11, 2012


on cotton
100 x 100cm

March 02, 2012

and I'm back!

on linen-silk, 41 x 38cm
a couple of friends asked me to make a portrait of Athena (one of my favourite dogs)

took some time to get out of 'the creative slump'; but it's nice to be back!

itsy bitsy..

on silk
made last summer