February 27, 2010

birch glade

birch glade
on cotton - 31 x 39cm

needed to try out the concept - but I think I went overboard with the crackling!


  1. Brilliant. Stunning. Took my breath away. The contrast of sun on snow - and the fact that the brightness of snow makes the normally bright white of the birch look almost dull... amazing. Hats off to you!

    Blessings from the Eichers in Thane - we met your sister at Borivali railways station a year ago -

    Andi, Sheba, Asha and Enoch Eicher

  2. Thank you, the Eichers!!
    just had a look at your blog - nice to see your photos, and read the little stories!
    also looked at the JSK blog - the work you do is special (precious).

  3. Simply stunning. This is an amazing one Shasha. Can't wait to see what's to follow!

  4. j'adore. Et en 200x300cm, je me perdrai volontiers dans cette forêt.


your comments are very welcome!